Monday, January 17, 2011

Immeasurable Moments : Me

It's official. My baby is no longer a baby. Cason Lee has turned TWO! Actually, his birthday was about a month ago, I am just now getting around to getting his pictures up. Hey, I have an excuse, it was the Holidays! Regardless, my baby is quickly loosing all of his beautiful "baby"ness and becoming a handsome little boy. His short, choppy words have been replaced by full-blown sentences. His adorable baby chub is slowly melting away. Diapers are about to be history as potty training is right around the corner. And, against my will, his beautiful curls will soon be cut. (The husband says he looks like a girl - and looking at these pictures, I can't really argue with that.) But for now, I will hold onto every last bit of baby that I can because I know far too quickly it becomes just a memory. Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Cason, we love you!